Students fromSchool of Pharmacy and ChemistryEngineering win the Top Grade Award in the 2017 “Unilever Cup” Chemical Design Contest

2017-12-07Essay/EnglishPhoto/Wu JialuTranslation/Proofread/

    The 2017 “Unilever Cup” Chemical Design Contest for college students in East China concluded on August 5th.

    Two groups from School of Pharmacy and ChemistryEngineeringhave come to the fore. One named “The Third Power of Soil”,coached by Li Chengsheng was awarded the Top Grade Award; the other with the name of “Xintianzhou”,coached by Li Hui won the First Prize. These are the best achievements we have ever got in this contest as well as the foremost accomplishments in the independent colleges, which fully demonstrate the outstanding qualities and spirits of the students in SEUCC.

Group photo of teachers and students

Photos of prize medals